The truth about competing

Competing in bodybuilding is one of the greatest decisions I’ve ever made in my life. It has nothing to do with the physical aspect believe it or not. I mean sure I love looking “stage ready” who wouldn’t. But it’s so much more than that.

i had an interesting conversation with a teammate last night. About stage. About the process. About the possibility of getting on stage with a teammate and friend.

Over the years I have competed amongst some amazing woman. Many of times standing right next to a friend or teammate on stage. It was never me be her. Its always been me vs. me. I know, I know. How corny, right? But it’s 💯 truth.

You see this world of bodybuilding can seem overwhelming large at times but the reality is it’s tiny. Here in the North East I cant go to a show, competing or not, and not see at least ten people who I consider friends. Some to compete. Some to support others.

My favorite part? This community is tiny and mighty. We are all there to support one another. We all get off stage and win, lose, or draw we hug our friends. Hug our teammates and our coach.

Joey Swoll once said “bodybuilders are just broken people putting themselves back together one rep at a time” and truer words have never been spoken.

You have to go to a dark place to get competition ready. A place inside you that most people fear. You face many demons along the way.

When you get on stage whether the person next you is stranger or a best friend, one thing is true: you know them. You know them because part of them is part of you. We share a common ground. A relentless drive for perfection. A next level passion for hard work and perhaps a little bit of sadistic energy. That longing for a physical suffering that will maybe mask some other hurt in our lives.

Through our self doubt on our worst days and our contagious confidence on our best, we are one and that my Misfitz is what sets us apart. That’s what makes us special. That’s the real prize on show day.

love 💕 and light ❤️


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