
Our Mini-Misfitz program is just as effective and unique as our adult program. Working with young athletes is one of our specialties. We utilize a number of techniques to help them get ready for their sport season and reach all of their fitness goals.

Working with children is fun and fullfilling. However, it is also a delicate population. Of course parents/guardians come to us with many questions about safety and efficacy. Common questions include “how safe is a resistance training program?” “Will resistance training stunt their growth?” “What age should they start?” “Will lifting weights help them get bigger, faster, and stronger?” and “Will strength training keep them from getting hurt while playing their sport?” These are just a few of the questions or type of questions that have been asked over the years. The National Strength and Conditioning Association has guidelines that Chris works closely adhere to when working with our young clients. Their health and safety is our number one priority.

There is no specific age that a child should or should not start resistance training. They just need to be mature enough to follow direction and understand what it is being taught.. Typically this ranges from age 6 to 8. To ensure safety there is never more than 10 athletes per coach. Contrary to popular belief resistance training will not stunt their growth and can in fact help them prevent injuries. It is completely safe and will help them in whatever sport they play. From ballet to football and everything inbetween, Iron Misfitz has a plan for all of our mini’s.

There are many benefits for youth to begin a strength and conditioning program. Together, Chris will build unique programs specific to our athletes sports and goals.

Using a combination of the latest technology and old school methods, our coaches design workouts that are perfect for our mini-misfitz.


Blaze Pods.

Blaze pods allow us to do a variety of drills matched to our mini-misfits specfic sports.


Athleticism and Fitness are our goals.

Mini-Misfit Ashley killing her workout with Coach Tracy

Our Mini-Misfitz smile and laugh as they work. We are always having fun at Iron Misfitz Studio.


As an ice hockey player, leg strength and mobility are very important. We are working on Ashley’s strength each week.