The Leg Press Debate
The Leg Press has caused more debate than any other piece of equiptment that I know of. Some will say put your legs low and close to focus on quads and high and wide for glutes and hamstrings. Some will have other similar advice, BUT the truth is: foot position does NOT matter. The leg press is a quad dominant movement.
Now, hamstrings and glutes can be engaged but truth is its the quads that get the most benefit here. Dr. Jim Stoppani has studied this extensively. The results prove with scientific, not bro science, that the muscle that gets the most benefit regardless of foot position is the quadricep.
To be more specific, the leg press targets the “tear drop” portion of this group of 4 muscles. If you want to target the sweep, the squat rules.
No matter what evidence shows, there will alwys be those that don’t believe. However, the proof is the pictures. Its in the results that we get with our clients.
And we have the leg king himself at Iron Misfitz. Chris will grow your legs, get them slimmer, maybe a little of both. Whatever your goal he will make sure you reach it.
If you have more questions about this or any topic, email us at .