Iron guy blog……

Just because your hands are covering your ears doesn’t mean you can’t hear your body screaming.

Stubborn as we bodybuilders are, even we need to listen once and a while. As I sit here in the ICU I’m reminded of all the noise it was making. You will hear a light rumbling, maybe like hunger pains in your head. You don’t give it a second thought because, hey you need gainz and summer is right around the corner, right?

. 2nd noise is usually in the form of changing sleep patterns or over sleeping. Being creatures of habit this can’t be ignored. However, we just suck it up and maybe train on.

3rd noise is the loud thunder you already knew was coming. You can’t ignore this one. You will make excuses and maybe say it was the wind. This noise will manifest itself in your inability to put up your normal numbers. Frustrated from that you start to lack on training. Maybe you change your diet and add supplements you shouldn’t take to make up for all that noise.

Finally its here the 4th noise. The one you have been not thinking about because you silenced 3 already. The 4th unfortunately, for myself and anyone else, is shut down: system overload, TILT, game over. Now your noise is an adaptation of your stubbedness. It shuts you down. I an currently shut down but us misfitz never say die. I will make sure, as I reboot, I add extra virus protection, extra sound readers, and a stronger better state of the art gainz-o- meter.

We can learn from ourselves if we only listen to the body's noise. The algorithm of what it needs.

A wise man once told me “the body never looses count”. And is always keeping score


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