The Power of Your Mind

Your mind if your most powerful assest. Henry Ford once said, “Whether you believe you can or you believe you can’t—-you’re right”. One of the first rules you will learn at Iron Misfitz is that can’t does not exist.

It is often said that fitness is a state of mind but not many people understand what that means. It’s the ablility to keep going, even when you’re tired. Its digging deeper and giving your all to accomplish a goal. The first time I trained for a marathon I learned this lesson quickly. Having had completed many half marathons and even more 5 & 10k’s I thought “whats a few more miles?”. How silly I was!! Those “few more miles” are everything. I started to think I had taken on more than I could accomplish. But then a friend, a marathon runner, told me. “When your legs get tired run with your heart.”

You see your body will want to quit at least 10 times before your mind will. You have to use your thoughts to get you to the finish line.

This same mindset can be used for any goal. You tell us your goals, give us your all, and use that power of your mind and we promise we will help you achieve anything!

Iron Misfitz Do NOT quit!!!


Show Weekend Jitters


It all began with an idea….